Арбитраж как способ разрешения инвестиционных споров с Кыргызской Республикой Раздел
«Аналитика» информационного агентства АКИpress, 19 марта 2013 года

Кыргызская Республика уже приняла участие в нескольких арбитражных разбирательствах. Поэтому есть смысл проанализировать… причины и последствия арбитражных споров и сделать соответствующие выводы.

Обзор антикоррупционного законодательства Кыргызской Республики,
Сравнительный обзор антикоррупционного законодательства в Экономическом пространстве СНГ, 2011,
The CIS Leading Council Network.

Что должен знать иностранец о налоговом режиме Кыргызской Республике?
Таймс оф Сентрал Эйжа, публикация ожидается.

Кыргызстан не является оффшорной зоной и не предоставляет полное освобождение от налогов, но ставки многих из них действительно невысоки.

Kalikova & Associates co-hosted the Europe-Caucasus-Asia Forum 2018

The 13th International legal forum Europe-Caucasus-Asia (Forum ECA), the successor of the famous CIS Local Counsel Forum took place on September 5-7, 2018 in Almaty.

Having a long lasting history, the Forum ECA is the only conference of the International Bar Association (IBA) covering the post-Soviet countries.

Kalikova & Associates acted as a member of the organizing committee this year and was represented at the forum by managing partner Aicholpon Jorupbekova, who delivered a welcoming speech at the opening ceremony, and Albina Rakhmidinova, senior lawyer and member of Kalikova & Associates PPP practice group.

Acting as an expert in the panel discussion on PPP issues in emerging markets and answering the question - why a strong legal team is needed? - Albina shared with delegates practical experience, highlighted the problems faced by public and private partners in practice, and outlined the measures that should be taken to successfully implement the PPP policy in this area.

As part of the panel discussion, the issues were considered, as well as the opinion of respected experts in this field was also received, on the following key points:

    - Regulatory, institutional or legal framework: what comes first in development of successful PPP policy?
    - National, regional or municipal level: where to start in setting-up solid projects pipeline?
    - ECA regional trendsetters in P3’s: the secret of success
    - Pitfalls, delays and defaults: what goes wrong at initial stage?
    - Rational balance in public and private interests: how to build a sustainable partnership
    - Corporate, contractual or institutional – what partnership stands for P3’s?

The Forum ECA for a long period has attracted the attention of representatives of international and local law firms, lawyers' associations of different countries, as well as representatives of state structures known in the legal community and became an excellent platform for large-scale meetings of lawyers specializing in business support.



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7 этаж,
ул. Игембердиева 1А, г. Бишкек,
720020, Кыргызская Республика
Тел: (+996 312) 66-60-60;
+996 772 66 60 60

Факс: (+996 312) 66-27-88
e-mail: office@ka.legal

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